Legal Disclaimer
By purchasing products from KURTIS TICE AUTO, the person that is buying and using such products acknowledges and agrees to the following terms and conditions:
This off-road race only product ("this Product") is designed and intend for use in organized, amateur and professional racing events, but is limited to closed-course racing and open-course racing that is formally sanctioned by a recognized racing organization involving the motor vehicle in which it is installed (the "Vehicle"). It is not for use on public highways or roads nor is it for recreational off-road use other than solelyfor competition purposes. The person or entity buying this Product and/or using this Product (the "User") agrees to use the Vehicle solely for competition uses as described herein.
The User signing this disclaimer acknowledges and hereby indemnifies and saves harmless KURTIS TICE AUTO . its officers, employees, agents, distributors and dealers for any damages, penalties, fines, expenses or other costs which may arise from the use of this product and without limiting the generality of the forgoing specifically acknowledges the following:
- Use of this Product for purposes other than solely for competition is a violation of federal law and may violate applicable state or local environmental, motor vehicle and other laws. The User warrants that the product shall only be used in sanctioned closed-circuit events.
- That use of this Product may violate warranties from the manufacturer of the Vehicle or from others.
- That use of this Product may make the Vehicle unfit or unsafe for the purposes intended or for any purpose and cause personal injury, property damage or death.
- That the installation of this Product, improper installation of this Product, use of this Product with other components or failure to use this Product in conjunction with other components, could result in or cause personal injury, property damage or death.
Disclaimer of Product Fitness
KURTIS TICE AUTO is the SELLER of all products offered by sale on this website. By purchasing any product through this website, BUYER acknowledges and agrees:
1. All products offered for sale through this website are designed and intended for off-road vehicles and for off-road use only.
2. Use on any state or federal highway may constitute a violation of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The CAA can be found at The CAA contains, in detail, what are considered to be violations of motor vehicle emission standards and corresponding penalties for failure to obey, and should be read in full before acknowledging this disclaimer and/or installing this off-road only use product. It is the responsibility of the BUYER to ensure all USERS of products purchased by BUYER understand and comply with all local, state and federal laws regarding vehicle emissions standards, noise/sound, and speed/use.
3. All products offered for sale through this website, with the exception of apparel items, are capable of the following:
A. Making a vehicle non-compliant with local, state and federal emissions regulations.
B. Making a vehicle capable of obtaining vehicle speeds unsafe for driving conditions.
C. Making a vehicle capable of obtaining conditions exceeding safe vehicle speeds based on mechanical condition of the vehicle, such as tire speed ratings.
D. Making the vehicle capable of exceeding mechanical limits of engine speed, power output, and mechanical stress upon the powertrain, driveline, chassis, and body of the vehicle.
E. Producing power and torque output(s) requiring superior driving skills and techniques in order to be safely applied.
It is the sole responsibility of BUYER of these products to make BUYER and any USER of these products aware of these additional capabilities and adjust the installation and use of the product accordingly, or to not install or use the product.
4. Installation and use of these products could result in the voidance of vehicle and/or parts manufacturers’ warranties.
5. BUYER is not relying upon SELLER’S skill or judgment to select or furnish products suitable for any particular purpose and all products are sold without any warranty whatsoever, express or implied, as to fitness for any particular intended use.
6. No product is available for sale or use in the state of California.